Our Area Contractors
Donna Bauman - Olympus Appraisal - Chimacum - 360-732-0252
Dave Rosswell - Port Ludlow - 360-644-2714
Judy Maves-Klatt - Port Townsend - 360-379-3339 / 360-316-9650
NWA Environmental - Chad Witheridge - 360-531-4636 (mold, asbestos, duct cleaning, odor removal)
Legion of Clean 360 344 8409 Legionofclean.com
Water Delivery:
Randy Got Water 360 643 0779
Doug Woffendon ~ Chimacum 360-301-4154
Bruner Drywall ~ Quilcene 360-765-0855
Double D Electric, Port Hadlock, 360.385.1130 or 877.554.2700 ddelectrical.com
Frederickson Electric, Port Townsend, 360.385.1385 fredelectric.com
Jefferson County PUD #1 - 360-385-5800
Mason County PUD #1 -
Escrow Services
Jefferson Title, Port Townsend, 360.385.2000 jeffersontitlecompany.com
First American, Port Townsend, 360.385.1322 or 800.401.1001 fatcojc.com
Dan Morger, 360.765.3205
Paul Mahan - 360-531-0199 - paulandgus@gmail.com
Sholds Excavating, Port Hadlock, 360.385.0480, cottonshold.com
Luke Groves - pesttec.lg@gmail.com - Cell: 360-912-2049 - Office: 360-460-0891
Air Flo, Sequim 360.385.5354 airfloheating.com
All Weather, Port Townsend, 360.390.5511
Peninsula Heat - Sequim - Paul Prince - 360-681-3333 - paul@peninsulaheat.com
Cenex, Chimacum, 360.732.4585 or 877.552.6097
Jefferson Propane, Chimacum 360.732.4006
Travlers Propane, Port Townsend 360.381.01587
Sunshine Propane, Port Hadlock, 360.385.5797
Mountain Propane, Port Hadlock, 360.390.5809
Suburban, Port Townsend 360.385.5096 or 800.776.7263
Glass Repair
Scott Broderson, Peninsula Glass, Port Hadlock, 360.385.5262
Sequim Village Glass - 360-582-3098 - gssimon@olypen.com
Groves Glass
Sean Liechti 360 214 1230
Ian Carter 360 301 2701 delivers rock & dirt. Removal of RV’s, automobiles etc.
Home Inspections
Alan Jogerst, Hadlock Home Inspections, Chimacum, 360.440.4968
Gary Baird, Farmers Insurance, Port Townsend, 360.344.3351 facebook.com/GaryBairdInsurance/
Kristin Manwaring Insurance, Port Townsend, 360.385.4400 or 800.643.3590, KristinManwaring.com
Jesse Morton Wildflower landscaping 360 301 9633
Loans (Property improvement/repair, etc.)
Craft3 - https://www.craft3.org/ - private lender
Petrick Locksmith, Port Hadlock 360.385.3341 petricklock.com
Cove RV & Country Store, RV Park/Motel, Brinnon, 360.796.4723 CoveRV.com
Mortgages - Banks/Credit Unions
Heather Souza - Sound Community Bank - Sequim branch - 360-683-2818 ext. 502 - Cell: 360-460-5652 - heather.souza@soundcb.com - www.soundcb.com
1st Federal savings and Loans Port Townsend
Phillips Painting ~ Tim Phillips ~ Chimacum 206-842-0684
Erwin Dence Painting Co ~ Erwin Dence ~ Quilcene 360-765-3212
Brothers Plumbing, Port Townsend, 360.390.4918 brothersplumbinginc.net
Coon Plumbing, Port Townsend 360. 385.2666
Power Washing
Olympic Peninsula Power Washing - olympicpeninsulapowerwashing@gmail.com - 360-302-0859
Roofing and/or Roof Cleaning
Blackpaw Roofing, Brinnon, 360.531.1316
Hope Roofing & Construction, Port Townsend, 360.779.9912
Johnny Tsunami 360-440-6301
Nationwide Roofing 360-999-8722
Norwest Roof Cleaning 360-385-7048
Ramirez Roofing 360-551-9124
Scott’s Home & Roof Service 360-340-3673 scottsroof@outlook.com (also construction, excavation/logging, painting, decks, tree service, etc.
Shold 360.379.4813
Shine Quarry 360.437.2415
Seawater Desalination, Water Filtration, etc.
RainDance Water Systems, USA - 1-877-788-8387 - www.raindancewatersystems.com - engineer@RainDanceH2OStore.com
Septic Systems
Envirocheck LLC - Hadlock - Dale Wurtsmith - 360-379-9400
Goodman Sanitation Port Townsend 360.385.7155 800.743.2515 goodmansanitationinc.com
Martin, Shold Excavating, 360.385.0480
Seldon Glebe - 360-301-0028 - Lids, etc.
American Land Science 360.385.9851 americanlandscience.com
Clark Surveying - Scott Clark - Sequim - 360-681-2161
Olson Land Surveying - Eric Olson - 360-301-1812
Tax Services
Sherry Lacey, Olympic Tax & Business Consulting, Belfair, 360.275.0998 or 425.785.6848
Title Insurance
First American Port Townsend 360.385.1322 800.401.1001 fatcojc.com
Jefferson Title Port Townsend 360.385.2000 jeffersontitlecompany.com
Jefferson County Solid Waste
Well Drilling
Aqua Pumps & Drilling - 360-460-8272
Arcadia Drilling, Jason Zack, Shelton, 360.490.6711, jason@arcadiadrilling.com - arcadiadrilling.com - 360-426-3395
Crabtree Drilling - 360-638-2317
Big Dog Drilling - 360-477-2429
Gresham Well Drilling - 360-779-9323
Lofall Well Drilling - 360-697-1194
Oasis Well Drilling - 360-683-4773
Tillia Well Drilling - 360-452-3662
Williams Well Drilling - 360-797-4435
Well Testing
Steven at Bayview Pumps, 360-301-3600 / 360-379-8000
Wetland Delineation
Westech Company - brad@westechcompany.com - 360-565-1333 - westechcompany.com
Window Cleaning
Paul Merritt 425.218.2901 ph.merritt@gmail.com
Sparkle View Window Cleaning - Steve Schwind - 253-312-7525